The staying heart, the dizzy brain.

I've been rambling about random things lately, so I've decided to do a more honest entry, and give you all an update on what's been going on in my life.

I almost feel like deleting some of my posts... the ones from the past, where I was suckered into honestly believing that my abusive ex was my prince charming, but then I remind myself... There are almost 4 thousand of you reading this, and some of you go back to the beginning, you wouldn't understand me if it weren't for reading that, and a lot of you relate to that state I was in.
So, please just note that I am a different person now, that I am not vulnerable nor am I naive.
Thank you.

So, anyways... here's the update I've promised you.

My hair is now Blue!! roughly shoulder length (almost to my shoulders, technically)
I still have 5 tattoos, I've not added any more on. I've modded my ears so that they are at a 4 Gauge.
I still have my tongue and belly pierced.
My son is doing really well with potty training, he still has minor accidents once in a while but does really good when we are out in public. He is talking up a storm and can say big words like "metaphysical" and "paradox" ( I try to teach him as much science as I can, he's my little smarty)
My living situation is still a bit stressful, but if you lived with your parent it would probably be the same for you, so hush.

Work seems to be going really well, I survived my first overnight shift ( I work at 7-eleven now)
Everyone who comes in compliments me on my beautiful blue hair, although a few people said it was purple O.o must be the lighting, I suppose.

Things are going great with my new boyfriend!
I still haven't had him around my son a whole lot, but I'm going to start slowly letting him come around and hanging out with the both of us a bit more, since the relationship is starting to take flight.
He'd still only be known to my son as a "friend" though, because I know how attached children can get.
I have not dropped the " L bomb" yet, which is surprising considering I usually say that word within the first month. We've been seeing each other for almost a month now and we've only said we "heart" each other, which is cute, and right now it works.
I haven't even said " I'm falling for you", which usually is said a few days before dropping the "L bomb", so I KNOW this is real, this is my first REAL relationship. Everything about it is genuine, whereas any of my previous relationships where a bit immature or full of arguing right from the start, or full of mushy " i love you more" crap that we ALL know is fake.

This is different. We don't have the whole "you're cuter" or " i love you more" arguments, we don't whine at each other if we want a back rub or anything like that, we ask or it just happens. We communicate, we're honest with each other and we're really, really open with each other emotionally.
That's what it takes to make a relationship work.
I'm in a financial pickle right now and stressing out about EVERYTHING lately, and he's still by my side, smiling at me and lifting my spirits, so that means a lot to me!

And the other great sign is that Joey (my son) absolutely adores him, even though he doesn't know we're together, he still goes up to my boyfriend and hugs him, high fives him, plays with him, h e has ever since he met him last year.

Things have been going good for me and Joey on the emotional aspect. The rest of my family? well, I don't really know... I've been busy with work and home so much that my down time is very limited.

So realistically, everything is going great for me minus financial issues.
And really, you can't let your money own you or determine your lifestyle, it's just a piece of paper with no real value... yet we work so hard for it.
Funny when you think about it... we work hard for different pieces of paper with numbers on it...

That's the basics of it all.. it's stupid... it's like we're all playing the game of life.. except no one really retires to the millionaire estates...



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