Stamp : Borderline
There's a lot of things that Doctors and mental health care professionals won't tell you about Borderline Personality Disoder... There's a lot of stigma, and a lot of stereotype, as well as horrible, heartbreaking amount of ignorance. I can't speak for everyone, but I will speak for myself, from my experiences with this misunderstood mental illness. SO many people assume that BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) is the band-aid diagnosis, that if a Psychiatrist runs a series of evaluations, and can't come to a full diagnosis of a clearly mentally ill patient, they'll just slap the good ol' BPD label on their chart. In my experience, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I knew something was... unique about me, even in my youth. I knew that I reacted to stress faster, and more intense than my peers, I felt emotions on such an intense high, or I went so numb that I felt nothing at all. I was different, out of place... I felt so alien. I had...