Butterfly, fly away.
I am flying in about 10 hours, and have to awake in 6 1/2... oddly enough, I'm sleepy, I'm not nervous... anxious,yes.. but I believe nervousness is something associated with fear and uncertaincy... Never in my life have I been so certain,so confident, so sure of something. Like a butterfly, breaking from the self enclosement, the walls are finally down, my hardened cucoon made of fear, is finally crumbled and I am perched on that very branch, about to take flight into the sky, rising like the morning sun. You'll notice I use a lot of metaphores, but I believe that's a good thing... to hold onto things and let them symbolize a change in your life. I am making changes. I had fortune cookie earlier that said " money will come to you when you make the right choices" well, my Aunt sent me the money to get a flight ticket, to escape this nightmare caused by a bitter,hateful family... i made the right choice by asking for help, by asking to be heard. Emotional,verb...