first entry

My blogging,Ranting... whatever you wish to call it, had started on facebook but I came to do a blog on here instead, showing only those who could give an input I'd actually listen to. Away from the toxicness in my life.

I grew up in the town of Moncton, New Brunswick... Canada eh?
And for the longest time, I could never imagine going anywhere else, even though I DID go on various camping/hiking trips with my grampy to Nova Scotia.

At the age of 18 I gave birth to my beautiful blessing of a child, who was born November 26th, 2010 named Joseph.
From the moment I discovered that I would be a mother, I knew it was he and I against the world, that his love would be enough to get me through the hardest choices of my life.

I had been in and out of an abusive relationship 3 years before my son was born, and continued into this relationship shortly after my son was born... being stupid enough to really think that  he would change. But it never did, We finally split up and I needed my break, so I decided to come out to Quesnel B.C with my son, to be with my family...

But things turn sour so quickly for me, but as said " there's a calm before the storm"
And there will be a beautiful rainbow in the end, I just have to keep looking up.

I'm actually hopping on a plane tomorrow thanks to the only SANE family member I have,  thanks to her I am going back home :)

The family that I was originally staying with were so aweful that they tried convincing me to give up my son for adoption, and that I need to go to suicide counselling because according to them, I've got mental issues.

I know now that all of it was bullshit and that they were playing headgames, manipulated me, and it was just a terrible place to attempt raising a child.

And so back to my hometown we go, this time to carefully avoid the ex, to move in with my best friend and seek parential help, take courses and classes and pull the reins, guiding my once spooked horse, back onto the road, treking slowly, but steadily up the steep hill of my sucessful future yet to come, setting out into the horizon, unsure of what's to come tomorrow, but looking forward to the rising sun, nontheless. 


  1. beautifully are on your way...all of the struggles and hardships in life are just there to teach us lessons. You are learning well! :) xoxo

  2. Very beautifully said dev.


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