"Life is but a quick cup of coffee in the morning"

I was reading an article earlier on my personal facebook page about how Starbucks refuses to send any of their coffee to the marines out in Iraq. Their reason? : they don't believe in war.

You know what? I don't think ANYONE should believe in war.
I believe in freedom, which is why I write in green. Freedom,Peace,Love,Equality.

Killing other countries off with guns and bombs just because they want each other's oil, they want to expand, they want their gold mines, it's out of greed.
Other times, it's Canada and America trying to free the people, trying to stop slavery.

Why can't things be resolved through words?

I notice too, when others stand up for war, support it... say that it's necessary.... They don't want to bother listening to "freedom of speech, peace and love for all"
Sure, I sound like a hippy..

But when you've gone through enough mental,phsychological warfares in your head with your own family, your own peers... you know how it feels to want it to end, you want democracy.

I know, this is starting to sound like a big long project some 8th grade student would be assigned for a history project, so I'll make this subject a bit more versatile and add in some other interesting things.

I want you to know who I am. I want you to know how I think, how I feel, how I react.
Here's step one.

I don't believe in fighting, I don't believe in doing ANYTHING out of fear unless you know it's right in the long run.

See, my therapist once told me that in even the most serious events ; someone can hold a gun to your head and tell you to give them all your money... but in all honesty : you don't have to do a damn thing.
Sure, they'll probably kill you, but your life is not theirs to take, it is all a matter of what you decide.

You decide to drink and drive, to run in front of a moving car, to walk down a dark alley, to get in a fight,to rob a bank, to jump off a bridge, to yell at someone, to hurt yourself or others.

But then, you also decide to be kind to others, to give money to the bum on the street, to walk an old lady across the walk way, to open a door for the pregnant woman, or perhaps the handicapped man, you decide to let someone else take your taxi, you decide to take someones shift at work when they're sick.
you decide to be generous and loving to others.

It is NOT humanity that makes you who you are, it is not the government and our democracy. It all comes down to YOU, what you've lived through, and your perspective of right or wrong.

personally,  who I decided to be?
I am generous, grateful, kind spiritted, loyal, loving,big hearted, emotional, empathetic, motivated,determined,stubborn,stern,strong, brave,couragious, i am a hopeless romantic, I get teary eyed over generousity, I get empathic over seeing a homeless person sitting in a gutter, begging for food... and so I sit and ask his story, and I give him the last of my lunch, my last cigarette, I buy him a coffee, I give him advice, tell him that there are shelters, there are job offerings... that he can be better.

I am guiding, I am forgiving, and from now on, I'm not afraid of anything.

You may only have one life, but you live it every day.
make it worth it.


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