Standing Ground without it shaking

I figured this time to write in happy, bright colors... not the shades... 

I've been searching for far too long, for my confidence... My voice.
It seemed for the longest time that I would speak and no one would listen.
Eventually I just grew sick of it, and stopped speaking altogether.
Not anymore. I've re-invented myself.
"Call me by name, to whom you speak is not the same."

For once in my life, I've decided not to take this hatefulness from anyone... for I do not need it. I've decided to push my powerful energy and light into the darkness, and show people who I truly am. For I may seem small, but my voice makes me mightier,fiercer than you've ever known.

I used to think that these were my rules...
Pick at me, my friends, that's fine... I can live with that. But to pick at my child? all hell breaks loose.

Now, I see things much,much differently.

The way I see things now, are in a different light, a new shade of who I am.
I see things the way they should be. I do not NEED to be told how to parent my child, how to budget my finances... I need someone to LISTEN and not overspeak me. I need an opinion, not rules, demands.

So, when it comes to someone nitpicking at me, at what I do... I take a step back and allow myself to see their perspective, to see what they mean. And THEN I decide that I WILL do something about it... whether it be big or small.

I absolutely will NOT be bossed around, only kindly guided, I will NOT allow anyone to let me think that I am doing a bad job at being a mother, simply because I choose to use discipline and sometimes am a bit stern. I was a BRAT as a child, a snob... and honestly, I'm still trying to grow out of that. I refuse to let my son become that, simply because people don't think it's right for my son to cry during time out, or be shut in the room when it's bed time... He is cuddled, kissed and loved all day, I play with him, I DO give him my attention.
I AM NOT at the computer all day, otherwise there'd be a LOT more posts in my blog....

people are so negative and quick to judge... But alas! I have found myself... my voice,my strength.

Not only have I learned to fly, I have learned to fly through a hurricane.
And I can flutter my wings, stronger than any storm thrown my way.
I have not only grown wings, but feet... made of stone... sturdy,strong and solid.
And I have put my foot down, stomped into the ground, shook it, while standing confidently, raised my voice with an expression of such sureness, and said " I will not allow this type of behaviour towards me, or my son anymore... I will do things my way, if you don't like it, tough luck."

I can't be doing that bad! I have yet to see social services step in my face and tell me to grow up and do it their way. I have yet to see a doctor tell me that my son is unhealthy,unhappy... he is loved, he is happy, he is strong, he is AMAZING and so smart! so why change the way I do things? they're perfect the way they are.

No more will I hear " put him up for adoption" or that I am mentally ill.
you know what?? many people, parents at that... have mental illness. I have a therapist for that. Unless you have a degree, I don't need your advice on how you think I should go about my anxiety, my personality problems...

I separate the illness, I fight it. I am FULL, COMPLETE, HAPPY.... I will ALWAYS have a mental illness, but for now, and for as long as possible, it will be resigned, it will be there, but not active.

That's all that matters, we are happy, strong and proud.

so my "quote" of the day?  : Don't let ANYONE stop you from going out there, and doing what you love.


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