
wow... let me start by saying I am sorry for not posting on this blog in ages...
there's been a lot to talk about too, so it's strange for me to post in my "sitcom" blog, and not my personal one.

I've faced... yet again more problems with the original ex, he moved out completely after having a huge fight with me.... But things HAVE been looking up for me, and for my son.

I wanted to get a tattoo as a symbol to me, as a sign that shows my struggle... That I have an inner darker side, but it is surpressed, it is contained.
The tattoo would be of the "Dark Mark" from Harry Potter... all of Lord Voldemort's follwers ( the death eaters) have the honors of getting a tattoo on their forearms of a skull, with a snake coming out of the mouth to represent it's tongue, and swirls into a figure 8 down the wrist.
 since Lord Voldemort was defeated after all 7 pieces of his soul were destroyed in animate objects, it makes me think... all of his followers have no evil doer. . . they are left to figure life out and hopefully go into a positive way of life... they are forever branded with the mark to show they have done wrong, they have done evil, cursed things.
But at the same time, it's a way to remind myself continously that I have changed, but not to take my new, positive life for granted. To look at the symbol on my wrist and remind myself of what I was, and how I came to be who I am.

see, happiness cannot be found in someone else, only in ones self.
looking into a mirror won't do, you'll only see a projection of light, flashing a reflection of your shell. What you need to find is INSIDE you and cannot be found with a CAT scan or an Xray... it is emotion, which will never be physically shown... you have to act upon them.
I finally have figured out who the emotional part of myself is.

I have found love, in myself and perhaps have projected it onto others, making them everything that they want to be simply by being a helpless romantic, and being a positive energy on them.

Regardless, things are looking up for me now.


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