Love and it's indifferences

I was taught a valuable thing long ago...

And many, many things have happened since to disrupt this wonderful though and lesson learned... But somehow it has bounced back to me, And of course I am forever grateful.

I was taught that there is a difference between loving someone... and being IN love with someone.

Loving someone, Is unconditional if it''s true, deep...meaningful, also.. it is to care for them, to enjoy their company, to protect them.
To honor them, respect them. The list goes on and on.

To be IN LOVE with someone, Is to feel an attraction to them, not only their appearance, but for who they are inside, for what they represent, for the way you and that person feel around each other. To be IN love with someone is to truly let them into your heart, to drop your guard to them and truly let them in. To trust and respect them, As you should regardless of your connection to that person.

I was taught the difference, Because someone once told me that I did not love him.... that I didn't truly know him enough to be in love.

HOWEVER : What I did know about his upbringing, about his struggles in life, and how it's shaped him.. about his views on the world, about life, I could feel positive energy just radiating off of him, he helped me simply by listening, by just being at my side when I needed that company,  that positivity when I could not find it in myself. He gave me a new light, completed a part of who I was, and who I am to this day.
He guided me towards a better self, towards being the person I wanted to be. And sure, he may have been tough on me, And let me figure things out the hard way on my own... But he never did it with the intention to hurt me.
I felt, and still feel safe, protected and deeply cherished.
As I cherish the bond that we have, though it may not be as strong as it once was... It has more value BECAUSE of what we went through together... And still, several years later I still hold a sacred place in my heart for him....

Not only was I taught the difference between simply loving someone, and being in love with someone... But I was taught that when you're in love with someone... TRULY in love with someone, you never really let them go... Otherwise you weren't honestly in love with them to begin with, you were only crushing on them, or loving them in a different sense.

So, if you're out there reading this, knowing that I wrote this about you...
I want to thank you for not only teaching me, not only for being my mentor in life...
But for letting me love you in all the right ways, Now I've truly experienced love, and what it's like to fall into love... Because once you fall in love, you never truly climb out.



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