The kiss of poison

Never again shall my heart run away.

I have found a place for it... a sacred temple. It's placed rightfully with his... and they fit together, like a perfect puzzle, like a symphony in perfect rhythm. A firework show goes off with each kiss... an explosion of life, it truly takes your breath away and leaves you in awe.

I am truly, hopelessly... in love.

I was terrified, yet completely calm the first time I said " I love you", yet I knew I didn't need to say it, I knew he could feel it radiating from each smile,each embrace and each kiss.
I laid in his arms, his fingertips gently caressing my cheek as I whispered with my head buried into his chest, placed against his heart " I love you..." I whispered so softly it would have sounded like a breath of air escaping my mouth.

There was silence that felt as though it went on forever, And I could hear his heart thumping eagerly at my words... he then wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, kissing my forehead repeatedly and then laid back, looking up at the ceiling with clouded eyes.. " I love you too..." he said as he exhaled slowly...
My heart still can't stop racing.

There are days when we don't see much of each other, and don't really speak on facebook, don't post status updates... we just.. give each other space, and I think that's what makes each visit more special... knowing that we each long for each others presence.

Most women would be intimidated by being held tightly hearing him say " you're all mine" But I've been waiting forever for someone to claim my heart, and know that I am fully theirs to love, and to have them to love right back.

Now, for the first time in my entire life... I feel that I am rooted, that I have found a place to call "home". No lands will hold it, no walls will make it what it is, my home is his heart, and his is mine.

Visiting England will be harder on me that I thought, but I'm sure that a week away from each other in the summer isn't going to kill us.

-sighs softly - oh, love.. what a marvelous thing <3


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