Gone with the wind

All my troubles are of yesterday...
All my problems are solved.
At least I get to spend my last bit of time with you... At least we get a proper, sweet goodbye.

Goodbye my love.

I am going back... facing the monsters, changing them. Shining a light to make them harmless beasts this time.
That's right, I'm going back to British Columbia.
It's been over a year now, I've become wiser, I've become stronger...
I'm not going to let my family step on me again.

This time, my ex fiance is coming with me, this time I have more experience to deal with.

See, my home town may be where I was born and raised... But I've fully blossomed, fully grown.
I can find my own sunshine and plant my roots in new soil.

So, by a 4 day bus trip starting August 3rd, we will be gone...
gone with the wind.
Honestly, I'm excited about seeing Edmonton, seeing the W.E Mall when we take our 10 hour lay-over. I'm excited to see all the cool things on the way, excited to see my family.
I'm not looking forward to being stuck in a bus for 96 hours, yes I will be doing the damn count-down. BUT I am excited about leaving this wretched place behind.

Farewell my dear love... Farewell what could have been..,
I was hoping for a begging proposal for me to stay, hoping for a "I'll go with you, I can't be without you" but that day will never come. Simply because I've not found "the one"

I need me, and that's just it... I haven't been "there" for myself in such a long time that I've forgotten what it's like to be alone.... sad, isn't it? well.. I'm going to learn.


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