Is this just a dream?

It feels as though I'm slowly awakening from a nightmare.
As if the fog is clearing from a seemingly never ending storm.
I feel in a sense that I've awoken in a hospital, with stitches on my chest.
That my broken runaway heart is finally being healed.

See, I've deceived myself time and time again.
I like to believe that things are okay, that I know myself completely.
I feel like I've looked in the mirror for the first time and finally, finally I see someone I am quite familiar with. As if for the longest time I've been staring in the face of a stranger.

Here I am.
I've found myself.

It took a lot of accusations, yelling,fighting for me to finally see what I've become...
But now I have the power to change it.

I have the chance to change things.
I see what's chasing me this time, before taking flight... before running away with my broken heart.
as P!nk says in her song " Just give me a reason"...
she says " we're not broken, just bent... and we can learn to love again".

Maybe for once I've finally become the settled heart, the strong heart.
Not running away this time, but finally gaining the power of courage,strength and above all, honesty.

I have been disloyal, dishonest, untrustworthy for the longest of times.
Manipulative, conning... And I see what it does to me, as well as everyone in my life.
It's like a ripple in a pond... at first it's only the water you see moving...
But, if you look harder, you see every leaf, every lily pad, every tadpole and fish move... frightened, yet curious.

I realize now, that I am making big splashes, not just small ripples.. and it's pushing everyone away.


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