afternoon rant about humans.

" the problem with peace isn't that humanity has failed to come to it, it's that we as individuals have failed to come to peace with ourselves" - Deven Melanson-MacDonald (me)

yes, I wrote that, I wrote that a long time ago after reading the Eight Fold Path.

I've been thinking a lot lately, and observing human behaviors... it's quite amusing, really.
We make all these stupid debates with each other... about things that realistically are not going to change by arguing about it. People are fighting over feminists vs anti-feminists vs equal rights, people are fighting over pro-life vs abortionists, people are fighting over which drummer should replace Joey Jordison of Slipknot...

It's not that we all just got wired up and started kindly debating either, people are just minding their own business and then BAM! it's not a "polite" debate, it's a fight... people are literally getting angry over each other's perspectives, calling the other one an imbecile, and basically ridiculing them, making them sound stupid because they don't believe in the same things.

What has happened to respect? Where has it gone?
Why is everyone fighting?
Can't people just get along for once?

I don't understand what is happening to us... I really don't.
People are getting too angry about things that don't matter, and are being too lenient on things that SHOULD matter.
People are growing distant from one another, and getting sucked into technology. The other day I had a friend say that humans will no longer be required to mate, at all in the next... ie : 100 years... Because they can replicate human DNA and create sperm cells and artificial human eggs, all they have to do is figure out how to make the fetus grow in an artificial womb for 9 months. Lovely.
See what's happening? Science is figuring out a way to create us so that we don't have to even have contact with one another!! Why should we in the first place, right? We're too sucked into our tablets or smartphones these days.

I'll tell you the last person to give me a hug. It was my 3 year old son the other day.
Before that? it was my boyfriend, and before that it was my sister and my cousin.
those are all the hugs I've received in the total of a month.

What happened to embracing each other? giving a kind, warm and sincere hug to a person?
What happened to VENTING? to sitting down and talking with another human?
What happened to leisurely strolls, to crying together?

People have seemed to shut down their emotions completely..

Let's make a change here?

Yes, I'm ranting again...


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