Emotional Control, and salting the leeches.

                                                              Wash it all away

Dark clouds may roll in, and we never really know how cold its rain will be, how harsh the wind will blow.
How long this storm will last.
But, we know that the rain, the wind cleanse the earth, replenish it.

One day at a time, don't rely on anyone else to make you happy.
It's okay to have a few days in a row where you aren't happy, or social.
Don't make a habit out of staying inside, sulking.
Make a vision board if it helps you feel inspired.
Do yoga.

I am seeing the errors of my previous "ways"..

I'd be upset by someone or something (correction : ALLOW MYSELF TO BE UPSET )
and then I'd rely on someone else's happiness in order to make mine return.
That's not how emotions work though... we're in control of our own emotions, our own thoughts.
I've really opened my eyes lately, and I see some pretty messed up things.
If you scream in my face, I can control myself... I decide if I'm going to connect my fist to your mouth, I decide if I'm going to scream back, if I'm going to cry, if I'm even going to say anything at all.
Just like how I control my emotions. I decide whether or not I'm going to get angry about the situation.

And lately, there isn't much that I allow myself to get angry about.
There's no point in being angry or depressed., because I'm NOT going to feel like that in a month or year from now, am I ? maybe diluted, but not to the extent that I would feel right now, were I to be angry.

I'm not saying to numb all emotions and just ignore everything because it won't matter in a year from now, I'm saying that we should all be in better control of how we react, what we decide to think or feel on certain things. So many people are wasting their time fighting, freaking out and causing drama for others over something that without a doubt, will not matter in as little as a week from now.

So many people are allowing others to be the main source control for their happiness.
Ask yourself this, how many couples do you see, that say STUPID crap like " you make me smile" ?
you MAKE me smile? no. you allow yourself to smile because the other person has a positive impact on you, due to the way you perceive their behavior.
So, why do some people hold on so much? their spouse leaves for a day and suddenly the world isn't balancing out and everything is coming to an end. Make yourself happy, don't rely on your spouse to MAKE you happy. They can't. You allow yourself to only be happy when your spouse is around.
That's really sad, and quite pathetic.
I call that an emotional leech. No offense, don't get all anal about it, or I'll sprinkle salt on you.
JUST KIDDING. But seriously.

The reason ( yes, there is one! ) For me posting this entry, about emotional control ; is because some people depend on someone else for so long, that when you leave them : they STILL try to leech.
Not only are they depending on you for their happiness, they are sort of manipulating and guilt tripping you.
they claim they NEED 20 minutes ( or whatever ) of your time every day in order to function.
And here's the thing, if you don't give them those 20 minutes ( or whatever ) of your day, not only will they freak out and get angry, but they will now do their best to control your emotions, and make you angry.
Do not allow yourself to get upset or feel guilty. People like leeches NEED to learn to be self sufficient.

When people see the word "self sufficient" a LOT of them think that means that you can provide for yourself.
-a job
-a house
-a responsible life\

while yes, these are all true, a LOT of people forget that self sufficiency also means emotionally.
You need to know how to get yourself on healthy emotional levels. Your feelings are not meant to bounce around like a rubber ball on a giant trampoline.

I say ALL of this, because there are so many people out there lately, who are trying desperately to MAKE me angry, or force me to feel bad for not doing things their way.
** splashes a huge bucket of salt on a crowd of leeches**
Where were we again? oh! yes... sorry.

If I spent all my time feeling the emotions that other people had picked out for me, I'd be a goddamn robot with a remote control by now.

If you have a shitty day at work and you're stuck scrubbing someone's vomit off the ceiling of the public bathroom, you can STILL smile and sing a happy tune!! You don't HAVE to be stomping around swearing under your breath. That dirty bathroom isn't going to haunt your dreams ( we should hope not )
And it's not going to matter in a week from now, so calm down.

As for happiness : you can smile over anything you want. ANYTHING!!!!
A butterfly fluttering near you as you walk, an old man smiling at you, someone glaring at you even! you can smile back and try to encourage positive emotions at them. That's the best way to defeat any leech-like people in your life. Don't LET them suck out all of your happy stuff, but don't cave in to their anger either.
Just let them know that you have a life and cannot always make time for them, and when you DO fit them into your schedule ( you're busy being awesome, of course! ) Take that ball of sunshine and shove it right in their stink holes.

Smiling at anyone who's depressed or angry is the best way to ensure that they will not push their horrible emotions onto you!

And that, my lovelies happens to be the rant of the day,
And an insight of my ever rambling brain. ( I like to think I'm an undiscovered genius)

Xoxo, Stay awesome guys!
And thank you for giving me a reason to keep blogging!

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<3 love, ALWAYS : The Runaway Heart!


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