Nothing's ever "free"

If you've ever entered to win numerous prizes via random ballot and haven't ever won, you're not alone. Online contests feel like they're all fakes! I mean, how many people do we actually know who've ever won the $1,000 sweepsakes or the valuable goodies bag?

The one thing that is usually legit is samples. I've been adamantly searching for free samples of well, everything imaginable for the past 4 hours or so, give or take. I've gotten samples of all sorts of baby products and very,very few samples of beauty products. It's funny how baby items are the easiest thing to get for free.

I just find it frustrating! all the typing and clicking just to find out that over half of these pages are fakes, or that you have to pay shipping and handling fees for something that is supposed to be "free". Free means no paying, no credit card info and no freaking surveys!!!

Sorry, I had to rant about that.


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