lots of rambles and rantings, poetry and everything in between.
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Hey guys! So I'm trying my best to keep blogging via the Blogger app, but it won't let me publish anything!!! I'll try my best to be back on here asap xoxo-TORH
Love is making me crazy.. this "breakup" is making me insane... I am at a crossroads. Lately, it feels as if I'm love/hate itself, I don't portray the actions, I AM the actions. I am hate.. I am rage, anger, bitterness. venom for words, spitting on the cold hard truths, just to bear pain on those who listen. I am love. I am kindness,warmth,laughter,joy,care. Sweet melodies for words, sugary syrup dripping from my mouth as I promise sweetness to those who listen. I can't be the hero AND the villain. But most days, it feels as if I am. I'm kind, giving, generous... Then I try to protect myself, and become evil and vindictive and conniving. I think my self defense mechanisms are acting up. A few of the rotors are jammed. I am trying so hard to heal from a broken relationship, but I keep chasing after it. Like a junkie, trying to scrape that last pill out of the bottle, only to watch it fall down the drainpipe... grasping,clawing,begging for it. H...
It seems I've not written in quite some time. You see, a wind storm can strike at any moment and leave either twigs or torn up trees. It depends on the wind just as it depends in the tree. I am not a strong tree. I have strong roots, and it is promising that I will bloom again. Disaster can strike anywhere , and in my case it strikes with my heart. I am now 5 months pregnant, my 4 year old son has been in temporary custody of my aunt, however I am fighting to get him back. Fighting for my rights, for my children, for my heart. Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting for my sanity. But lo and behold; I am strong. I am rooted. I am still growing though I may only be a stump . My tree is strong . And it will take a strong , strong wind to knock me down . -Dev ( The runaway heart )
There's a lot of things that Doctors and mental health care professionals won't tell you about Borderline Personality Disoder... There's a lot of stigma, and a lot of stereotype, as well as horrible, heartbreaking amount of ignorance. I can't speak for everyone, but I will speak for myself, from my experiences with this misunderstood mental illness. SO many people assume that BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) is the band-aid diagnosis, that if a Psychiatrist runs a series of evaluations, and can't come to a full diagnosis of a clearly mentally ill patient, they'll just slap the good ol' BPD label on their chart. In my experience, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I knew something was... unique about me, even in my youth. I knew that I reacted to stress faster, and more intense than my peers, I felt emotions on such an intense high, or I went so numb that I felt nothing at all. I was different, out of place... I felt so alien. I had...
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