As I went walking

As I went walking I smelled something...
I smelled the cigarette smoke from a passing car, fresh baked bread from an opening of a family's window, The smelled of crisp leaves that had started decaying on the ground.

As I went walking I saw something...
I saw a man walking by, casually smiling to himself, I saw children playing in their yard, mothers walking their children down the street, crows perching on a nearby telephone wire.

As I went walking I heard something...
I heard cars pass by, men telling their wives they loved them, children laughing on a playground, an old man whistling down the road, crows cawing as they flew into the twilight sky.

As I went walking I tasted something...
I tasted the smokey air of a nearby chimney, the sweet autumn leaves as I breathed through my mouth, the cool dampness of the earth.

As I went walking I felt something...
I felt the cold of the wind gently tickling my face, the warm sunshine tenderly caressing my cheek, I felt the happiness of smiling passersby, I felt the closeness of nature, I felt the love and peace of the earth.

As I went walking I witnessed something...
I witnessed children sharing and showing kindness, families providing comfort and love to each other, strangers sharing a warm smile in an act of compassion, animals taking nature's signal to begin migrating and hibernating.

As I went walking I smelled life, saw peace, heard love, tasted freedom, felt wholeness and witnessed unity.

As I went walking, I became alive.


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