Instruction Manual for me.

Okay, not as bad as the image above, but I'm wired differently than most women.
First of all, I have depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder,insecurities, dysmorphia , trust issues, separation anxiety, I'm codependent, I have anger issues, and well... I'm ridiculously complicated....
BUT if you can take the time to read this, that would be great.

**This is meant for my significant other, But scratch out the mushy kisses n stuff and it works for anyone who knows me...**

1. Don't pick a fight with me, No one will win.
2. Don't repeat things I've said, just to use them as a weapon.
3. When I am obviously happy, try to reflect that. Happy + Happy = good.
4. If I am being lazy, try to figure out why before calling me names.
5. Understand that some days, I just don't feel like doing anything. It's the depression.
6. Make me laugh when I'm being crabby! It'll snap me out of it instantly
7. Don't compare me to others. It's not a competition.
8. Don't make assumptions, you can't read my mind. Ask me instead.
9. In the event of me having an anxiety attack, hold me. Tightly.
10. WHEN I have an attack, I curl into a ball and breathe quickly. Just come to me. I'll be frozen.
11. I need a lot of verbal reassurance. That includes " You're beautiful"
12. You can NEVER say "I love you" too many times.
13. Bad day? give me hugs and kisses. Lots. Get cheesy.
14. little notes are not tacky, they're sweet.
15. Sometimes, if you wanna see me you have to come here.
16. Blanket forts and movies would make my night feel magical. Any time.
17. Check in with me, ask me how I'm feeling.
18. You can tell me that you care about me. I need to hear it more.
19. If I'm being lazy, offer to help out with tasks.
20. Some times I need reminders. Tell me some of the things you love about me.
21. This is the most important : REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT WHAT MAKES ME ILL.
22. Remember ; I won't always be this way. I will get better.
23. PLEASE be patient?

In return, I will be happy, bubbly, loving,charming.
I will be Deven again.

I can't stand fights, assumptions, pretentiousness, sarcasm, bitterness, distance, coldness.
I need to be suffocated in affection. I am very needy. I won't always be like this. Just... try to understand that I am mentally ill.


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