Thinking again

This feels... amazing.. and I simply must write about it before it goes away again, because I know it never stays. Sometimes it's a quick hello, sometimes it's a nice sleepover, and when I'm lucky ; it's a vacation with me.

IS it weird to say " my mind has come back"? It's not that I ever lost it, it's that a certain aspect of my thought patterns was once... lost.

It's hard for me to explain this well, but I will do my best.
Last night, we talked. my "ex" and I. Apparently we split up... I didn't even know we had.
He told me that I seem to be getting better, my BPD is more under control now that we're not a couple. I can think rationally, I can calm down easier, I can put effort into socializing and being productive. "That's odd." I thought to myself... " I thought you just took a step back... I didn't know we were actually over..." I thought to myself.
Then it hit me, hard.
I am doing better, because we took a step back from the relationship, because I am getting sick and tired of having people walk all over me. I am sick of being sick. I need to feel good about myself.
I'm not getting better because my relationship ended! I didn't even fully know it had!

I was, of course... angry at the time when he said that we weren't together anymore, I was hurt when he said that he isn't sure if he was ever truly in love with me. He loves me, but he doesn't know if he's in love with me. I asked him to name one thing he loves about me, something that draws him to me and he couldn't name one. He said " that's just it... I don't know... I don't now that there IS anything I love about you..."

And at first I was angry about it... How can you be in a relationship with someone when you don't even know if you're in love with them?
Then it was like some realization hit me, nice and hard like a truck.
I don't need him to love me, I don't NEED anyone else to love me. I love myself.
It's that I WANT him to love me, and it's not the fear of abandonment, but rather the purpose I feel in being attached to him, I can make myself feel that dignified and purposeful, but I like feeling that with him.
I also realized that I can leave the house whenever I want to, there's nothing stopping me.
The ending of our relationship doesn't have to be bad, we can be good friends.
I can take the time and energy I spent in that relationship and use it on myself instead, and there's no shame in that.

I'm not "getting better" because things are changing, I'm getting better because I'm choosing to.
I'm becoming more mentally aware of myself. I'm thinking again.


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