These are things that help me identify with myself when I am going through particularly tough times and have a harder time identifying who I am and what makes me, well... me.
There are a few fandoms that I am very involved with, that I feel I identify with, and these are some of them.

The Mockingjay : stubborn, hard willed, determined, strong, brave, courageous, leading.

Aries : Stubborn as all hell, the leader of the pack, ambitious and determined. Strong, and will stand up for what they believe in.

Slytherin : The ambitious, cunning, witty, stubborn.

Amity : the trusting, forgiving, peaceful and kind. They believe in loving one another, in resolving by forgiving. 
Dauntless : The Brave. They believe that you must control your fear, you must acknowledge and conquer it.

Now, I have a poster I made for myself that has these symbols on it, as well as words such as courageous, witty,smart,funny,brave,strong,selfless,forgiving,kind,warm,loving,peaceful,joyful,intelligent,
outgoing,philosophical,compassionate,romantic,caring, smart. And so much more.

These things really do help me, and I figured that I should share these things with my wonderful readers because well, all of you are with me and have been since day one.

xo, much love
_Dev (aka TORH)


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