Devil, pay your dues.

He's like the Devil, but with so much more temptation and charm.
He's played this game for far too long and if you accept the challenge, you will surely be his prisoner.
There is no winning, because this is his game, and he makes his own rules.

He disappears for weeks at a time, not always answering your messages, and when he does there is irritation in every single letter, He sends a teasy message of "The things I'd do to you ;)" And sometimes when you're really lucky, he'll tell you exactly what those things are.
Here's the kicker : weeks go by with many failed plans of meeting up, hanging out.
You message him, he says he might come visit, so you doll up to the 9's and put on your best trashy lingerie under a beautifully pieced outfit, only to wait until 4am to finally see a quick "I'm sorry. I passed out. Long day, maybe tomorrow...." from him.

This has been the case for me, for 4 long, torturous months. Women in this day and age would refer to this playful Devil as a "Fuckboy", pardon my language. The thing is... I KNOW BETTER!
I know not to fall for his tricks, not to say "yes" to his invitation at this cruel game of cat and mouse... But I can't help it.

It's the way he drinks me in with his eyes when he thinks I'm not looking, It's the way he smirks at me with this raw temptation. He leaves me hanging on by a thread, hoping not to be his, but to be his little prisoner for a night. Funny, I used to be the jailer. The succubus that drained the soul out of every man until he was nothing but a pathetic shell of his former self. I DESTROYED PEOPLE. And now, thank you Karma! I am the one slowly being destroyed.

Baby, singlehood has made me a raw and bitter person. All these gorgeous outfits and cute lacy little threads that I call clothes... and not a single person to model them for, there are no wolves at my heels anymore.

It's my own fault, really. I drive away any man that could possibly be my knight in shining armor.
I'm picky and shallow I suppose... I have high standards. I NEED to be physically and mentally attracted to a person in order to pursue them. I don't want someone who is obese and out of shape, what good is that? If I want to go for a jog or a hike he'd moan and complain about being too tired or sore to keep up with me. I don't want to be with someone who is a moron either! I need to have an intellectual conversation, if he can't keep up or squints at me when I mention how cute and cheesy Quantum entanglement is, he's not on the same wavelength as me. I can't handle that.

Being single does have its own little charms though, but the most annoying of them is that I seem to attract jerks who think I'm a disposable little plaything. And honey, you got that ALL wrong!
The charm of being single is that I can bat my pretty little eyelashes at whoever the hell I want.
Except the issue is, I have a jealous little Devil following me.... maybe I do have a wolf at my heels. Hunting, tracking, chasing my scent and warding off competition.

Then again. maybe I'm the wolf... his majestic future trophy to mount on display.
Who knew the Devil was such a good hunter?

Prisoner, pet,slave, trophy,game.... whatever I am to you....
I don't want to play this game anymore.

Time for the Devil to pay his due.


  1. Glad to see some truth come out of you through your own words... You have destroyed people. One person you destroyed was that very White Knight that needed only for you to twist and turn the truth til you eventually made him into a monster. So then you decide to use the experience as a catalyst moment to move ahead at the cost of a great man who would have done anything for you and sacrificed much of himself just to be with you. Only you don't want a savior or an equal cause you are a control freak who makes her own rules and lies to destroy any worth that this white knight had. Karma is a bitch and you owe her more than just money and blood. The day she decides to collect then you will be saying oh poor little me and I don't deserve this when in reality you probably deserve far worse.... FAA


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