Little girl, lost.

There was once a little girl, so innocent and sweet. She was very quiet and very seldom spoke, but oh, when she did.... It was as if the whole world went silent and listened. She didn't jabber on about nonsense and make small talk, no. She spoke from her heart, her little care-free, forever staying heart. She was strong, maybe a little bit naive, since she seemed to believe nothing would ever harm her, no words could ever tear her confidence because after all, words are just simply sounds when you choose to let them be just that.

This little girl grew up to be sassy, confident, independent and strong. She didn't need anyone, she chose whether or not she wanted to be tied to people. That little girl is lost.

Lost, are the days where she could make a perfectly timed, cute and inappropriate joke.  Lost, are the days when she could smirk, and perfectly balance her sass and charm.
She was like a goddamn temptress when she wanted to be, she knew how to work her magic. Not just with friends and boyfriends, but she charmed her way into successful jobs too.

But, one day she vanished and now all that is left is a shell of who she once was. An image... but tarnished, tired, worn out, afraid.

"What happened?" Seems to be all that I can ask myself when I look into the mirror.
What happened to me being that perfect person? MY version of perfect. That version of me worked so well, for quite some time.

And now? That perfect person doesn't seem to exist.

THIS is why I hate borderline. You wake up, never knowing what version of yourself you'll be. Yesterday I was a punk rock chick with a crude attitude, today I'm an overly preppy, delicate and dainty little thing. Today I am shy... when I promised myself last night that I wouldn't be this way anymore.


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