Douse 'em in OFF! Bug Spray!! :D
"All of these words whispered in my ear
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it
People say crazy things
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it
Just 'cause you heard it." - Adele

Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it
People say crazy things
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it
Just 'cause you heard it." - Adele
I'm noticing a lot lately, that people seem to like talking about someone, but they hardly ever like to talk to that someone. If you have an issue with someone, isn't it easier to approach that person regarding the issue? You would think, right? Well, lately in my life it seems I have become unapproachable when it comes to addressing me directly on these "issues" people seem to be having.
But that's just it! There are really no issues. See, people... well, horrible people... like to talk about others when they are feeling particularly jealous, or I suppose when those people are pretentious by nature. It isn't easy detecting these types of people in your life, because they are very convincing, and they are so confident, or so they appear. I have been unfortunate enough to come across these types of people. Let's call them, hmm... not "leeches", no they are much worse than that. Let's call them mosquitoes, why don't we? They like to buzz annoyingly in your ear, you always want to slap the shit out them, and smush them underneath your fingertips. They have a way of irritating you, and if you don't crush them quickly, they will come back and try to suck the life out of you... literally and figuratively of course.
And what juicy tidbits are people telling about me? Well, darlings it's none of your business. That's because none of it is true! Rumors,stories,allegations,accusations... They're all created due to one thing : Angry bitter people with misconceptions, people who are seething with bitter resentment. They lack something that you seem to have, and they want it. So they'll make up rumors and spread them like a disease, infecting everyone who's near enough to hear it. Disease of the mind, because people who spread rumors are infected with misery.
Now, Here's what you do about these mosquitoes. You get bug spray! Okay, but seriously.
The metaphoric mosquitoes that I described earlier probably wouldn't appreciate it if you doused them in OFF! Spray. Just saying. Gotta be more practical about this.
To get rid of people like this, all you have to do is stay busy with healthy people. People who you actually can trust. There will be challenging times in your life when you might not be able to tell who those people are. When there are enough mosquitoes swarming, it's hard to see the sunlight right above you. Destroy the swarm!
What I am doing, is staying away from these pesky little fuckers.
See, deprive a mosquito of its prey, and it'll starve. No need for bug spray this time!
Stay away from people, when you have a good source that informs you of who said what, be weary of that source. Afterall, if they're hanging around someone who is that much of an asshole, that they start rumors... what the hell does that say of the informant? Exactly.
I rest my case. Stay away from the drama queens! It is challenging, everyone wants friends and most people want to only see the positive in people, but not all people are positive.
Unfortunately. See, when you stop hanging around with the gossip mongers, they no longer know who you're hanging out with or what you're doing. There's nothing to even remotely inspire a rumor to start, or they talk such reeking shit that people can smell it a mile away.
Karma, babes. They want to talk crap about you? Let them. You know that you're not a bad person, and that they're all rumors.
Remember when I said it can be hard to tell who your real friends are? Well, those who defend you and laugh with you about how absolutely absurd the rumors are : guaranteed those people are genuine. You don't need people who tear you down. They tear you down because they are down on themselves, and it is NOT up to you to pick them back up, they'll only knock you over on their way back up.
Put your time and energy into yourself. Toxic, nasty little mosquitoes hate self-improvement. They don't like it when their food source is cut off. Cut them off, and they'll either find someone else to prey off of, or they'll starve out. Fret not, about the stories.
You must lead a pretty interesting life to be the main topic of people's conversations, especially when you don't associate with those types of people.
So, the point of this entry : stay true to yourself, karma will sort everything out.
Stay away from the mosquito swarms, and you'll be fine.
Xoxo, Dev.
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