
"Look with your heart, and not with your eyes. " - Erik (Phantom of the Opera)

They say he was a dangerous being, toxic, harmful... some even say he was poisonous.
Yet, she gazed her eyes upon him and looked into his soul, and there was a glimmer of human in those eyes. There was something whole and pure behind the mask he wore, Something charming... and when he spoke to me that very first time, there was a whisper behind those words, something playful and inviting.
She took a step towards him, with her arms wide open. And though he turned his back to her, She never left. She stayed in hopes of getting to know this thing that everyone called a monster. She didn't see a monster, no. She saw a tarnished, broken human. She saw that within him, because she was broken too.

They let their guards down, the mask shattered as he held her in his arms for the first time and she whispered words of love. Did she tame him, or did he tame her?

The thing that is upsetting about this story? It may be true.
They all tell me to stay away from him, to put up a wall and keep him out. That wall is crashing down by my own sheer willpower. I am letting him in. They say he may hurt me, that he will never love me, That he will never love anyone. Yet, I can see he does... He does love, and that is not an illusion or false hope on my part. There is love behind those sparkling blue eyes, the mischievous grin, and the way that he always asks to have me near. Monsters are capable of loving too.
For, I love him.


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