Lock and key

" If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I think I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation, That's ancient history, been there, done that!"  
"Who d'you think you're kidding
He's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey we can see right through you (Oh no)
Girl, you can't conceal it
We know how you're feeling
Who you thinking of?"

"No chance, no way, I won't say it, no, no
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, oh, oh
It's too cliché, I won't say I'm in love."

You hands lift me, your words encourage me, your smile strengthens me, your embrace warms me.
You see me, you know me when I feel I don't know myself. You know the words on my mind even when I don't speak them. Our eyes tell a story that our mouths simply can't.
It is something to be felt rather than something to be heard. There are words to define it, but those words are never fully understood nor acknowledged, until they are fully experienced first hand.. You know just as well as I do, you know what it is I'm thinking. What I'm feeling. Others can see it, feel it. I push it towards you without meaning to, it is something that I simply cannot cage and conceal. I cannot ignore it any longer.
I thought the guard was up, I looked for so many reasons, for so long... excuses and little reasons to deny everything in my mind... But you help me to open my mind and see in such a wider perspective.
There may never be a knight in shining armor, but now I know there is a good friend who will hand you the torch to light your way. Honestly, which is better? A broken, beaten, tormented knight who has faced hard battles and thinks he must protect you? Or a dear friend who knows you simply just need understanding, and a direction to continue in? You need someone who believes you can fight your own battles, someone who believes you have strength and your own courage.
You should be able to look up to each other, and guide one another.
You see my flaws and yet you never ridicule me for it, you know of the poor choices I have made, and you still see the light in me. You have so much faith in me, so much hope. You inspire me.
You guide me. You've helped me see the world as it is, but to see it with a bit more light.
You've changed me for the better.
And I love you.
I love you for the way you lift me up.
I love you for the way protect me.
I love you for the way you smile.
I love you for the way you laugh.
I love you for your open mind.
I love you for the gentle guidance of your voice.
I love you for your encouragement.
I love you for your gentleness.
I love you for your strength.
I love you for your courage.
I love you for your adoration.
I love you for the inspiration that comes from our conversations.
I love you for opening my mind.
I love you for guiding me.
I love you for saving me.
I love you for your sincerity.
I love you for your honesty.
I love you for you.

And there are a million more reasons as to why...
But this feels... safe. Safe is not a bad thing. After taking so many chances, so many risks... being safe and taking a comfortable route can be just what a person needs.
I am not scared. I fully trust to let my guard down to you, as I have right from day one.
I trust you with my thoughts, my opinions, my emotions, my experiences.
I trust you with my heart and my soul.

  This old, guarded runaway heart is still under lock and key...
But who's to say you don't have a copy?

I trust that you already know...
But even still. I love you.

XO - TORH <3


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